If this isn’t the truth for most people I know with a BB. I’ve managed to avoid the BB curse, but do have push mail through a 3rd party hosted exchange service on the ‘net along with some other systems.
This is a great effort by the companies in cooperation. Having a low-cost laptop available to developing areas will help bring opportunities to many who otherwise would not get the chance to go digital. Hopefully, this will add to the positive effect of
Some information on where RH is at and where its going in 2007 with the next release of RHEL. Good stuff.
Another chance for AMD to get out front again on the quad-core chip wars. Since its taken the back seat for dual core shipments, it has a window of opportunity to get ahead again.
Are you on top of the DST 2007 changes? Get patching if you haven’t!
This is a good win for Opera. The browser company has been pushing the mobile browsing limits for years and its nice to see them get some contracts on shipping handsets. The Opera Mobile browser literally kills PIE in comparison.