So Alltel jumps into the mobile navigation fray with a TeleNav GPS Navigator service. Good news to Alltel subscribers.
Interesting development, and one that may bring some interesting solutions via the Java platform. It also holds the promise of reduced management requirements, and resource requirements.
Ah, it was bound to happen eventually. The ability to post articles to social networking services directly from The New York Times is now reality.
Good article on mobile 2.0 over at Read/Write Web.
Get ready for more VoIP goodness. Talkster launches a new service featuring clientless VoIP capabilities on many different device types.
First Intel’s StrongARM processor division goes to Marvell Technologies, now Intel StrataFlash looks to be going to another buyer.
Does this mean another free wiki hosting site?
Robb Dunewood raises an interesting question. I think RIM is simply having a small dip in their valuation that may run through the first month or two of 2007, but it really depends on what device innovation RIM works on to catch up with Palm, Windows Mobi