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HTC Wizard vs. Asus Eee PC

This is really just a fun comparison that I wanted to do.  I’ve had an HTC Wizard (My T-Mobile MDA) for the past two years and it’s been my grab-n-go mobile solution all that time.  Along with the HTC Wizard, I use the ThinkOutside (iGo?) Bluetooth Keyboard and Stowaway Bluetooth Mouse to great success.

But with great software, usable keyboard, and highly useful mouse, it still isn’t a great performer, and is missing that full browser experience that is crucial to a web worker.

There really is no contest, but here goes:

T-Moble MDA vs.Eee PC

T-Mobile MDA Asus Eee PC 4G
200MHz 900MHz
802.11b/g WiFi 802.11g WiFi
240×320 800×480
Slide-out Keyboard Clamshell, full keyboard
MiniUSB for sync/charging only 3 USB 2.0
Bluetooth 1.1 No Bluetooth
QuadBand GSM/GPRS/EDGE No mobile data service
Windows Mobile 5 Linux (Windows XP compatible)
MiniSD Slot SD Slot (with SDHC support)

The biggest thing about either of these devices is realizing that they are an access terminal, or “Cloud Computer” in popular terminology.  If you can get away from the idea that you need to have serious storage space, keep your entire music library, or have every conceivable tool you’ll ever need with you at all times, then this type of device will work for you.

In fact this is not limited to these two devices – add in the Nokia N800 series devices, UMPCs, MacBook Air, Everex Cloudbook and other such capable systems.  The idea is that you are connected to the Internet (the cloud) and the majority of your data and tools are located there – accessible from anywhere on anything.

The biggest plus for solutions like the Eee PC or Everex Cloudbook is that they run real, modern operating systems, have very useable screens & keyboards, and rely on fast connections like WiFi.  Solutions like my HTC Wizard and related devices are handicapped mostly by screen & keyboard size.

Even so, for the common, basic tasks I have used that T-Mobile MDA for over two years, written many blog posts, performed hundreds of Internet activities, along with the usual meetings, notes, calls, and pictures.  But I needed to carry three pieces of equipment to get a useable mobile access terminal – something that the Eee PC class of device is putting in a 2lb. clamshell that is no larger than a modern paperback.  You seriously just grab it and go – there is nothing more to think about.

I’m curious on your devices and feedback though.  What are your thoughts?  Have you tried an Eee PC or similar devices?  Have you used a Windows Mobile based device like the HTC Wizard for the same function?  How successful has it been for you?  What would you recommend to others?

Oh yeah, wondering what device wins in my book?  The Eee PC. Cheers!

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