
Ideas, thoughts & things that make me happy

Happiness CDXLIV

If you’re a liberal, I’m laughing at you for your insipid stupidity. If you’re a democrat, I ask that you rein in your party and bring some common sense to the challenges confronting our country so we can discusses the options as respectful patriots. If you don’t understand the difference, you don’t deserve to be participating in determining our country’s direction.

Happiness CDXLIII

Starting another new year with hope, wonder, and hesitation. Life continues to amaze and surprise as the years roll on.

Happiness CDXLII

Having Donald Trump as our president, knowing the truth and reality he brings to his duly elected post, and watching the insanity it causes on the left.

Happiness CDXLI

If we let people who don’t believe in America into America, we will have lost what America stands for.


Happiness CDXL

To be happy, you may need to let go of the things you cherish most.


Happiness CDXXXIX

On my way to a Christmas Party tonight. Guess we may have a white Christmas after all!

Snowy Drive


Happiness CDXXXVII

Impatient with life?

Take Monday off and get up early.

Sit back, relax, watch the day pass by and wait for the sunset…

It’ll help with all the days that follow.


Be strong.

Be of good courage.

God bless America.

Long live the republic.


Lessons cost money. Good one's cost lots.

Tony Beets

Hard times make strong men.

Strong men make good times.

Good times make weak men.

Weak men make hard times.


You're only worth what you're willing to work for.


You can watch things happen, you can make things happen, or you can wonder what happened.

Capt. Phil Harris

People say I have an issue with control... I say, as long as I have it, there is no issue.


Mistakes are just success training.


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


No man is a complete failure. He can always be used as a bad example.


You're either the mouse or the lion. Time to find out which one.

Sue Aikens

Failure is always an option.

Adam Savage

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