Dec 8, 2006 | blog, daily links
Techdirt paints a bleak confusing picture for Palm with its licensing of Palm OS 5 today. But another perspective is that Palm now has the ability to better control its destiny with its own system software. Palm OS 5 does need a few critical updates, bu
Carlo Longino makes some interesting points in this article. Apple will face an uphill battle with any kind of iPhone due to existing competition and their own belief that they do not need carrier partnerships.
Dec 7, 2006 | blog, daily links
Will they make it? I believe so, the Zune is a great device – even if it is a little “chunky” in comparison to other devices.
Interesting goings-on in Moscow… Wonder what’s up.
Dec 6, 2006 | blog, daily links
Found this on Techcrunch – unlimited online backup at
Robert Scoble talks about amature photojournalists and their rise on Flickr and other photo sharing services.
More proof that “cell phones cause cancer” is simply an urban myth.
Very frustrating… this piece prudently recommends limiting access to sites like YouTube and the like because of the possibility of embedding Malware inside a video. The services are too valuble to block. We need better eradication tools!
Very interesting to see the rise of new mobile media. D7TV is creating original works designed specifically for mobile devices. Super cool.
Dec 2, 2006 | blog, daily links
Nov 18, 2006 | blog, daily links
Steve Rubel talks about how more bloggers are turning pro – and how a slowdown in advertising dollars may stall those dreams for many.
jkOnTheRun has a great preview of the Fujitsu P1610. I’m in the market for a new system and may compare this as an option instead of a regular laptop or UMPC.
Nov 14, 2006 | blog, daily links
Sun released the source-code to Java as open source.
The Google Reader team has some tips to improve your experience with the product.
Another interesting Web 2.0 sticky notes service modeled after Post-It Notes (trademark: 3M). Chris Gilmer covers it at Web Worker Daily.