Mar 19, 2007 | blog, daily links
Another major vendor announcing the availability of shipping Flash-HDD equipped tablet/notebook PCs. I could really go for one of those P1610’s that Fujitsu has. 🙂
Interesting critique by Om Malik on the quality of VoIP – by the carriers that is. Yes we all know the quality issues on your Broadband based Vonage/Skype service. But what about Sprint, AT&T, MCI, etc..? They have been providing voice service on POTS
Another new UMPC this spring – can’t wait to read more about this little beauty!
While I’ve only read a little on this new product from Adobe, the basic concept sounds incredibly useful. This is the component the mobile web needs to compete with fat clients.
More Google Reader customizations. Makes it interesting for getting GReader content onto your blog.
Seems like Adobe either wants more licensing revenue, is having issues updating the current products to be Vista compatible, or simply are more interested in coding the new versions. At any rate, it’s a pain for existing Adobe users.
Lots of mashup action going on lately. From corporate uses to the frivolous.
Mar 18, 2007 | blog, daily links
Mar 17, 2007 | blog, daily links
Mar 16, 2007 | blog, daily links
Looking for more video search sites? Here’s a portal designed just for that. Looks kind of interesting.
Going to Mesh 2007? Mathew Ingram notes that online video will be a big component of the conference this year.
A short writeup on EVDO Rev. A by Katie Fehrenbacher over at GigaOM. With both Sprint and Verizon rolling out the service, there is a nice selection of plans and hardware options.
Rafe Needleman has an excellent guide for newbie Twitters. Just started using the service? Curious on learning some shortcuts and enhanced features? Check this one out.
Network Computing has an expose on deploying Windows Vista in enterprise environments. With the stability of Windows XP, it’s going to be a hard sell for awhile.
Mar 14, 2007 | blog, daily links
Richard MacManus provides an in-depth interview with Google’s Matt Cutts. Great discussion of next-gen search, custom search, and much else.
Very interesting… If OpenOffice can get itself pre-installed on a Tier 1 vendor such as Dell, the landscape and perception of OpenSource software would drastically change.
Mar 13, 2007 | blog, daily links
Steve Rubel has an interesting take on the recent Twitter phenomenon. Is there a limit to humans ability to absorb new media type after new media type without missing something? Good read.
Twitter is again the topic – looks like some people actually prefer to read their favorite writers in “real time” rather than their blogs. Could this become common?