Apr 13, 2007 | blog, daily links
More progress on the SCCM product from Microsoft. Brian S., my associate at MFI, will be happy to see some new information on the product. The system planner tool for SCCM will be of huge usefulness to just about any systems management infrastructure ar
Unfortunate that MS Virtualization releases will be delayed, but the scope of the products are such that they require a little more time. As I’ve been watching the development of the “Vista Wave” of products, one common theme of consistency, integration,
More UMPC designs.
Apr 10, 2007 | blog, daily links
An updated UMPC spec, complete with its own chipset/processor pairing. Should turn out to be fairly interesting.
More Quad-Core goodness from Intel. When will AMD bring a quad to market?
“Webtops” that bring multiple applications into a single browser take another stab at the fabled Web operating system.Images: Making the desktop fit in a browser
Well, here is what I’ve been talking about for some time. Let’s see if any CTO’s I know bite… Seriously, the flexibility in a solution like this from Citrix is one way to proceed in the evolution of the desktop.
Apr 9, 2007 | blog, daily links
Apr 5, 2007 | blog, daily links
Ooh! Another display connection type! Yeah! While the old VGA connector is outdated and obsolete, why is there another connection type past DVI? I understand the need, but just get tired of all the connectors changing. Maybe DP will be a USB type of c
Looks like Windows Vista is actually popular after all!
Shh… Quiet drives, good for libraries. OR, simply for anyone who is annoyed by the sound of a spinning HDD.
Apr 4, 2007 | blog, daily links
Cisco steps into the ring to take on Microsoft in the small biz VoIP market.
This will assist in systems management for laptops, a good decision for Intel to pursue.
Could be a neat little service.
Why am I not surprised! %@&*$! politicians.
As more social tools and features are added to the browser, social networking will become ubiquitous and integrated into daily browsing and online routines.
Apr 3, 2007 | blog, daily links
Another update to the Bluetooth spec will increase the utility and ease of use.
Good article to find out what Intel is planning with it’s 80-core research chip.
Just in case you really needed another reason you should be on LinkedIn, Chris Pirillo has some for you!
Yep, they’re making their way into TV advertising.
China’s ZTE will build the city-wide network in Mexico Citty.
A new browsing “service” from Microsoft that focuses on speed and on merging desktop usability with the smaller viewable area of mobile displays.
Very cool… If you’re a 30Boxes user, or even if your not, this is a great mashup for Twitter users.