May 8, 2007 | blog, daily links
A quick recap of the company everyone loves to hate. I’ve been a MS user for many a year, and I always find these walks down memory lane fun.
Well I’m sure we all hope this technology breakthrough comes to market soon.
Hmm, new version of Google Analytics now available – check it out.
While I’m stunned that Gartner figured this one out (I’m not a big Gartner fan), it is very true that server virtualization is one of the fastest moving technologies in the enterprise data center. Desktops will follow once a real business need is found.
May 7, 2007 | blog, daily links
May 4, 2007 | blog, daily links
Chris Brogan brings up some interesting questions from a debate he was attending on Thursday. Go read his post and give your feedback.
It seems that Microsoft is readying the next releases of their systems and operations management tools, mixing in their security products as well for the mid-size corporation.
If this rumor is true, and the deal actually goes through – the results will be quite impressive. Microsoft and Yahoo have partnered many times in the past and this would actually be a really good pairing to challenge Google.
Looks like an interesting show. I’ll be tuning in later to see what value it has.
Guess its finally ready for prime time. Can’t wait to see if the new user interface is everything that everyone wants!
May 3, 2007 | blog, daily links
Looks like RIM really is serious about the mainstream “prosumer” market.
Neat service that is already rolled out in parts of Europe. I was not able to participate in the beta for this service because it was not an option in the Minneapolis market. Should be pretty neat for any broadband T-Mobile customer.
It’ll be interesting to see the features between FF3 and IE8 duke it out. FF2 is a clear winner over IE7. Yes Craig – its coming.
May 2, 2007 | blog, daily links
IBM goes for the small business. This will indeed be a big segment of the market in the coming years. That’s one reason I left a corporate gig – to be able to help position those small businesses for growth.
Do you follow the GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology? If so, Lifehacker has a great article on using Google Notebook in your GTD routine.
A little lamenting that someone has beat them to the Santa Rosa scoop…
Apr 14, 2007 | blog, daily links
Mathew Ingram presents another great post about online music sites. His question of whether the recording industry will ever “get” digital media really begs an answer from the industry.
Looks like there is some help for performance issues in Outlook 2007. Microsoft has issued a patch that addresses the issue.