Jul 27, 2007 | blog, daily links
Hmm, guess this is one time we’re getting “first dibs” on new technology in the mobile phone world. Too bad it’s something as blah as the iPhone.
Looks like the Twitter folks have won another round of funding from the VCs. Good. Twitter is one of those killer-apps that works simply and has the user numbers to make it work.
Jul 25, 2007 | blog, daily links
Jul 24, 2007 | blog, daily links
A question from a Minneapolis individual made it to the CNN/YouTube debate – pretty cool. It was recorded and posted by UpTake a project that involves videoblogger Chuck Olsen in Minneapolis.
This is quite exciting, I’ll be investigating Zoho CRM for Avatar Consultants and/or my own independent consulting gigs.
You are aware of some of Facebook’s more “interesting” legal quirks in its EULA… don’t you?
Paul Kapustka from GigaOM steps up and analyzes Google’s entrance into telecommunications lobbying in front of the FCC.
Jul 23, 2007 | blog, daily links
More rumor talk of Vista SP1
Better check your Java installations, make sure to keep on top of this as it develops – watch for patches.
James Kendrick points to an interesting and potentially useful utility for managing large files.
More input on the upcoming FCC auction for the 700MHz spectrum. I’ve got a post for later on this topic as well.
Jul 22, 2007 | blog, daily links
More perspectives on the potential Google participation in the 700MHz FCC Auction. Hopefully this will take place – the open network that is. I would like more companies than just Google to get spectrum, but all have to abide by the open network rules t
Interesting take on Motorola’s current predicament. Wonder what’s up with Moto, and yes the MPx would’ve been UberCool 3 years ago when the concept was shown.
The NYT covers the inability to migrate phone and apps from wireless carrier to wireless carrier pretty well.
Did you read the fine print on that spiffy iPhone/AT&T contract?
You do know the rumors about MS licensing changes – don’t you? Shouldn’t be a surprise.
Jul 21, 2007 | blog, daily links
Google shows some interest in the 700MHz spectrum, or more specifically, how it should be auctioned and used. It’ll be interesting if the FCC takes up some Open Access proposals for the auction.
Google kill the cell companies – no. Radically change the face of the industry – yes. Open networks are needed to make the next leap in connectivity and productivity. Those who argue otherwise are simply afraid of change, and having to spend money to k