Aug 7, 2007 | blog, daily links
As in previous emergencies, Twitter is right there in the spotlight as a vital communications tool. Go Twitter Go!
Nice roundup of travel related sites that help “ease travel woes” as Samuel Dean at WWD puts it.
Dare has some great points on “open” SocNets.
Wanna be on the bleeding edge? Firefox 3 Alpha 7 is available! Don’t run your finger over the sharp edge 😉
Good news for Photowalking fans – it’s getting a little more attention from PodTech and others…
Aug 4, 2007 | blog, daily links
So, are you satisfied with your broadband solution? Do you think it could be better? Do you think the US is falling behind in broadband connectivity? The FCC Commissioner does, and he’s mad as hell (my words) about it.
The time is coming close to getting an IPv6 transition started. This is an important item for economic development throughout the world. Resistance to do this is simply ill advised, and will not accommodate the growth that all organizations desire.
And the liberals are off wanking again.
Steve Rubel talks about his past and present computers, and give his thoughts on whats next. I’ll agree that the history of personal computing it littered with great ideas and systems that never made it to the next level. It’s a good read, so head on ov
Aug 3, 2007 | blog, daily links
Ah, more information on the Google Phone concept and where the company is going with it. I really like that they don’t intend on being corralled by any one carrier, preferring to get their platform on all networks. Very interesting
Jul 31, 2007 | blog, daily links
Twitter is getting coverage in the MSM – that is a good thing. My “professional” opinion is that Twitter represents a new stage in the communications medium, and is a disruptive technology. You need to watch this space (Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, Hictu, et
Jul 30, 2007 | blog, daily links
Jul 28, 2007 | blog, daily links
Monica Alleven makes a good case for fair-roaming pricing for Tier 2 & 3 carriers. The “big 4” don’t always offer roaming services equally in many situations. Good read as we all think about the 700MHz Open Access/Network ideas.
I’m not an Audio guy, but this would be nifty for advanced sound work required for podcasting and video podcasting.