Sep 11, 2007 | blog, daily links
Sep 10, 2007 | blog, daily links
Some tips on protecting from identity theft from a friend of mine that’s had it happen.
You’ve probably heard of everyone’s favorite ‘net spam condiment “Quechup”, but here is Read/WriteWeb’s report on the service everyone loves to loath.
Hmm, this could make it on my short list to replace my T-Mobile MDA…
Powerful post by Chris Brogan. In it he asks some hard questions about one’s belief in themselves, and how they are focusing their abilities. Well worth reading.
Microsoft Live Translator? Check it out at TechCrunch
Sep 8, 2007 | blog, daily links
Sep 7, 2007 | blog, daily links
Did you feel betrayed earlier this week when you found out your $600 iPhone had it’s price slashed to $400 after only two months on the market? Steve Jobs is trying to make you feel better here with a promised $100 coupon for future Apple products. Feel
Hmm, interesting happenings in the mobile pace in Washington. Will it make it through committees and make a difference?
I think Stowe Boyd raises a good question in his post. Is the office metaphor tired? With the advent of feeds, information/idea streams, search, and blogs, does the office metaphor fit in an online lifestyle?
Jeremiah covers the questions asked by organizations and their progression of interest/deployment.
Sep 6, 2007 | blog, daily links
Steve Rubel talks about the emergence of “The Geek Marketer” career path.
Twitter pal Jim Long has an update from his trip to Iraq with President Bush. Jim is a NBC cameraman that just happens to be part of the White House press pool. If you’ve wondered what it’s like for the press who travel with the President, check out his
Heh, guess hell finally froze over – Google Reader just got a search feature – from Google even! 😉 But wait, there’s more! Look closely at your Google Reader interface and I think you’ll see some of the other tweaks that Google has been cooking up.
I have to agree with Gears over at CSP on this one. The iPhone is a compelling package that is more intuitive than the other “smartphones” (I hate that term). Windows Mobile has a lot of ground to cover to compete side-by-side.
Sep 5, 2007 | blog, daily links