Is technology a crutch?

"crutch" by Kate Tomlinson It’s something that I’ve been thinking about recently. For how much all these nifty tools have helped us become more productive, I think there is a percentage of creativity or inspiration that we give up. All productivity tools are things that can do harm to our work habits as much as they simplify a task.

Maybe it’s that most of these tools are single-task automation or simplification utilities and from that perspective are inefficient solutions. Take a close look at all your “social media” or “Web 2.0” tools and services – I bet most really only solve one real task with a few frivolous extras sprinkled on top.

I’m not sure what to do about this, but I look at my productivity today and compare it to a year ago. Back then I was chewing through thousands more feeds, had more ideas and, it seems, more time to write posts for my blog.

Today, I have client software installed that automatically checks my Twitter and FriendFeed accounts for updates. It notifies me with a pleasant tone that triggers me to quickly switch windows and check out the latest possible news like a rabbit hitting the feeder bar for a food pellet.

How is this productive? How is this helping me? I have Twhirl updating the main Twitter feed every 2 minutes – how many times am I interrupted in an hour? Right. 30! Think about that. Now add FriendFeed into the mix on its own (similar) updates schedule. How many times can you be interrupted in a day without losing focus?

Now I don’t mean to beat up on Twitter and FriendFeed – heck, I can come up with dozens of reasons why they help more than hinder my daily life. Email used to be the same. I used to use Microsoft Outlook. If the computer was on, so was Outlook – and what was that nice feature introduced in Outlook 2003? Pop-up notification… great. So that is where that bad habit was developed for me. Since changing to web-based email about three months ago, I find myself checking email much less often. I’m no less effective or timely in my communication either.

So it’s really how we use the tools – their convenience allows us to lean on them for help. Sometimes a little too much. As we’re creatures of habit it’s up to us to develop, groom, and manage those habits. If we start developing bad habits, it’s ourselves that needs to correct them.

So that’s what I personally need to do.  Simply change how I use Twitter and FriendFeed. There are others, but those are the two that I really need to manage my time with the most.

How about you? What are your tricks & tips in managing these productivity tools?

Photo credit: Kate Tomlinson

Finding the write way

"final book progress 5" by rocket ship I’ve been blogging for awhile now, but have been hesitant about publishing a number of posts here on my personal blog.  Originally, I had included many more technology oriented posts, and blogging-related items.  Lately, however, I’ve been more aligned with the “social media” and “personal branding” topics.

I’ve also had two other blogs that I have let slide in to near abandonment, for all the same reasons that almost all other early blogs are neglected.  Too much work, too little time, and too many plans that weren’t thought out all the way.

I’m not announcing any new rejuvenation of these blogs, or of grand plans for them.  The have, however, been on my mind again.  Not in the original way of “if I can just get enough traffic…”, rather I’m now more interested in using them in different ways to express my ideas.  To have different places to write different thoughts and concepts.

With the upcoming trip to SOBCon08, I’ve been again thinking of how best to utilize the platforms that are available to me.  One blog was supposed to be focused on Snowmobiling (Snowmoblog), but is still a great place to talk about all sorts of things outdoors… and who says it has to be winter-oriented all year long?  The other blog grew out of my passion for mobile technology (The Mobile Lifestyle), and would be a great place to talk no so much about gadgets as leveraging mobile technology to enrich life, actually “unwire” more often and so on.

So I’ve got some thought running around in my head.  I’d like to be able to express things that don’t seem to fit on this blog.  I’d like to do more with those sites than simply letting them sit there collecting virtual dust.  Not sure what that’ll be, just kind of talking out loud about them.

Photo credit: rocket ship

On the big four-oh

"Dawn of a New Day" by badboy69 Ah, it’s not much different than yesterday really…

I wanted to take a minute and say hello to everyone that I interact with online on a daily or weekly basis.  Yes, today is my birthday and yes, I’m 40 today.  I’m off to spend the day with family and while I’ll be checking in online, I don’t want anyone to think I don’t appreciate you stopping by, or tweeting me on Twitter.

I’m not real big on how old you are or aren’t, but will admit I’ve thought more about my birthday this year than I have since waiting for 16 to finally come around (and the drivers license we all crave at that point in life).

Whether it’s the things I’ve accomplished or yet to accomplish – the memories of the past or the dreams of the future.  The years don’t bring cynicism as much as they bring experience and enthusiasm.  Enthusiasm of how life takes wonderful twists and continues to surprise and enthrall us.

I’ve wondered recently of the choices I’ve made and the path I’ve taken to deliver me where I am today.  Pondered the plans and surprises that have made me who I am at this moment.  How delightful is it for us to be such dynamic beings, that so many things go into who we are, what we think, and how we approach life.

Yesterday marked a turning point in my life as big as my birthday today.  It’s been exactly one year since I choose to take control of my career and life.  A full year has passed since I stepped out of the corporate shell that was so secure and protected.  It’s been a challenging year, with many, many unpredicted turns.  Most pleasant, some not, but every one of them has pushed me to grow and discover things about myself, my life and career.

In the past year, I’ve had fun exploring social media, building my personal brand, and networking with dozens of great people around the world.  Finding that there is a vibrant, growing social media community right in my own backyard of Minneapolis/St. Paul is just icing on the cake (no pun intended today)!

So, while it’s my birthday, I want to take this moment to thank you for being part of my life.  For commenting here, tweeting on Twitter, linking on LinkedIn, coming to our local Social Media Breakfast events, trading emails or blog posts, IM’ing, thinking, and most of all sharing.  I’m looking forward to more!

Thank you!

Photo credit: badboy96

Blogging Roadtrip

Roadtrip To Phoenix by Faded Photographs No, not in a physical sense. Though, I’m off to find unique and new blogs, bloggers, writers, thought tweakers and twitters. Sometimes it’s interesting how you find new people to read and follow. From a reply by one of the people you follow in Twitter, it leads to finding new Twitters. That in turn leads to their blogs or websites, and from there to LinkedIn, Facebook, FriendFeed and so on where you keep finding more.

At times this can be a timesink when you don’t put a cap on your exploration of friends and feeds. On the other hand, some of the most valuable finds are from these totally “organic” or spontaneous surfing sessions. I happened to find a few more tonight and thought it was worth think a bit more about.

So I’m off on a blog & Twitter roadtrip, looking at the sights & sounds of the blogosphere. Where will it take me and what will I find? I hope it’s you!

What are you off to do tonight?

Photo Credit: Faded Photographs

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Going to SOBCON 2008!

imageWell the stars aligned and smiled on your’s truly.  I’ll be going to Chicago at the beginning of May for SOBCon08!  For awhile, it didn’t look promising with timing or finances to make it, but I think my wife Amy has been planning to surprise me.  Thanks honey!

I’ll be joining some of my Twitter friends in Chicago May 2nd, 3rd, & 4th along with some of some of my favorite bloggers of all time.  Looks to be a great event that I’m really looking forward to attending.

Personal Branding Magazine – Volume 1 Issue 4

Personal Branding Magazine - Volume 1 Issue 4Get ready for the forth issue of the inaugural volume of Personal Branding Magazine coming on May 1st!

I want to congratulate Dan Schawbel, publisher of Personal Branding Magazine, on completing the first full volume of the magazine.  I’ve been honored to write a column for each issue, and hope to continue bringing perspectives and adding value to the quarterly publication.

Just about a year ago, Dan Schawbel started with an idea for a magazine focused on building brand YOU.  He recruited some great bloggers and individuals in the personal branding arena and put together the first issue of PBM later that summer.  Now with the fourth issue of volume one ready to launch on May 1st, the first full volume is complete.

Here is Dan’s introduction to Issue 4:

Volume 1 Issue 4 ends the first full volume of Personal Branding Magazine. As personal branding becomes the differentiator for
career development, many new channels have opened up and the Internet is a recruiting stomping ground for all those who leverage it’s power. Between hiring candidates by viewing video resumes, employer brand websites, and even job aggregators, the times have changed and we must be ready. Human resources is rapidly evolving by branding their companies as the employer of choice and there is a sudden war for talent, despite an economic recession in the United States. In this issue, we interview all the thought leaders
who are entering the online recruiting and branding space, as well as take a closer look as to how networking plays a role in bridging recruiters with interested applicants. Only the strongest employers and candidates will survive. By reading this issue, you will have the knowledge needed in order to confront the recruitment process and be victorious.

You can also view Dan’s Promotional Video for the launch below:

Again, I want to congratulate Dan, the staff on Personal Branding Magazine, and all the writers and contributors on a great first full volume and year of Personal Branding Magazine!

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