
Thoughts and things I care to share

links for 2008-01-20

  • GigaOm has a post on what a California task force is looking into to promote better broadband adoption.

    I sometimes scoff at the “left coast” as I call them, but sometimes they actually do some great work. This is one of those areas where California i

  • According to this post from Ars Technica (via Slashdot), the new 1.1.3 firmware has unbricked a couple of phones in testing.

    Personally I think the unresponsivness of Apple on the bricked iPhone issue is inexcusable. Alienating enthusiastic customers

I’m an SOB, and proud of it

sob-badge-blue For quite some time, I’ve found new bloggers and writes on the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers (SOB) list.  Maintained by Liz Strauss over at Successful Blog, the SOB list represents bloggers who interact with readers and encourage the conversation wherever they happen to be.

So I’d like to thank Liz for the award, and will proudly display the SOB badge here in the sidebar.  I’m actually tickled to be included!

Daily Journal – Can I make it a habit?

blogging As I’ve mentioned a few times before, I’ve been struggling through my blogging the last few months.  From a bout of “blogger’s block” that really chased me from my keyboard, to coming up with excuses of what keeps me from blogging, I’ve finally come to the realization that I need to write.  Period.

The one thing that I want to do is be of value, and that is what’s been keeping me from really getting back “in the groove”.  I keep second guessing my topics or the tone, or the wording, or… you name it.

To that end, I’ve begun a daily journal.  A place that I can just ramble my thoughts out, not worrying about how it sounds, the structure, the cohesiveness of an idea.  Just a place to get those ideas down.

In the past I’ve hated this idea, just ask my 8th grade literature teacher – she had us writing journals every day, and I’d just pick something like “pizza” or “zucchini” or some such thing that I could write a paragraph on and claim to have “participated”.  Of course, I was a tech-geek even then, and if it didn’t have LED’s or buttons, it wasn’t interesting.

This is but one more technique that I’ve heard other blogger’s using.  I’m all for new ideas and techniques, especially one’s that are time-tested and help in multiple areas.

I’m curious to your experiences though, and would really like to know how a journal has helped or hindered you.  Does the additional free-form writing exercise that is personal and kept private helps you write, think or work better?

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links for 2008-01-17

Twitter’s Aflitter (again)

I really hate to pick on my favorite online service, but… I have to.  Twitter started having issues today with all the traffic from “Mac (obsession) World” today.  Supposedly over all the mcInterest in what mcRevelations of mystical mcGadgetry Steve mcJobs would reveal for the mcFollowers of the mcCult.

What get’s me curious is how Twitter handled the traffic from CES last week without nary a blip, and out of the blue, McWrld trips it up big time.

Perhaps I’m out of touch and there is more interest from McWrld and that drives higher volumes of traffic.  I dunno.

At any rate, Twitter has proven it’s worth to hundreds of thousands of users, but they still have reliability issues when traffic ramps up.  I’m on Twitter for the long haul, it’s a core component in my social networking toolkit, so I’m apt to be disappointed when traffic from a marginally relevant tech show drives it’s usability into the ground.

Ok, end of rant.

And yes, I feel mcBetter. 😀

links for 2008-01-15

Tried & tested time-wasting secrets

wasting-time I’ve got to hand it to blogging friend Steven Hodson.  When he picks a meme, he picks an entertaining one.  Especially when I’ve been lamenting the amount of time I’ve wasted NOT blogging for various reasons! 😀

While Steven talks about entertainment and a little goofing off, I’ve found most of my lost time is from other areas.  So – how do I waste time?  Good question – here are my answers!

  1. Work  Yep, it seems that I like to use work as my biggest excuse for wasting good blogging time.  One more example of why I need to find a good GTD or time organization system.
  2. Twitter I hate to admit it, but my favorite social media tool is also one of my worst enemies.  I’m getting better at not watching Twitter closely, but it’s hard.  Does anyone have a Twitter Patch (low dose)?
  3. Perfectionist Unfortunately, I’m a big one for wanting something to be just right.  If I had $.05 for every post I started and tossed out simple because I couldn’t make it come together… well, I could finance my coffee addiction anyway.
  4. Blogger’s Block At least I’ve been using that as an excuse the last few weeks.  I did have a nasty bout of that back in October, but seem to have lots of ideas lately.  Just not enough time. 😉  Seriously, when writers block settles in, it’s not only difficult, but discouraging.
  5. Social Media  Ah, yes, our favorite topic these days.  It takes *a lot* effort to keep up.  Is it worth it?  That depends, I’ve gotten some value from my efforts, met dozens of great people, found literally hundreds of great blogs, and had a lot of fun.
  6. Family Time  This is a good excuse to have.  My family likes to spend time together, whether outside, or inside, we talk a lot and spend a lot of our home-time interacting.  Especially since Christmas… I’m getting Wii elbow from bowling! 🙂

Alright, who should I tag?  Well, my brother-in-law Dave Huston for starters, Twitter pal and fellow LifeCamper Thomas Knoll, Connie Bensen (another Twitter friend who probably has some good tips to get organized), Todd Jordan (another good Twitter bud), and, finally, an associate from a former employer Jerry Loss.

Photo credit: sugu

Social Media Breakfast – Minneapolis/St. Paul?

social-media I’m thinking of putting together the first Social Media Breakfast (SMB) in Minneapolis & St. Paul. Who’s interested? This would be a gathering to brainstorm solutions for our concerns and projects on restaurant social media.

Well, I’m interested in making this happen, but I’d like to know how many would be able to make it. Here are some thoughts and questions – in no order at all.

  • Do people prefer a downtown location or a suburban location?
  • Early morning (7ish) or mid morning (8-10ish)?
  • Is WiFi required?
  • Depending on location, can folks from surrounding areas of the Metro or out-state MN able to make it?
  • Any preference on local MN restaurant, national chain, or traditional meeting space?
  • Suggestions for discussion topics welcome – what do you want to talk about, or learn about?
  • Interested in a speaker? Suggestions?
  • Ideas or suggestions on sponsors? This is not necessary of course, but may be useful to some organizations looking for social media talent and resources.
  • Weekday or weekend?

Well, those are my “random thoughts” on the topic. I’m going to scout some locations to host us, but would like to know the rough interest so I have an idea of size.

UPDATE: If you are interested, simply leave a comment, or if you prefer, email me at 😉

UPDATE II: Guess I should mention that his is an offshoot of Bryan Person’s Social Media Breakfast – Boston series.  It’s official website is at

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Be strong.

Be of good courage.

God bless America.

Long live the republic.


Lessons cost money. Good one's cost lots.

Tony Beets

Hard times make strong men.

Strong men make good times.

Good times make weak men.

Weak men make hard times.


You're only worth what you're willing to work for.


You can watch things happen, you can make things happen, or you can wonder what happened.

Capt. Phil Harris

People say I have an issue with control... I say, as long as I have it, there is no issue.


Mistakes are just success training.


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


No man is a complete failure. He can always be used as a bad example.


You're either the mouse or the lion. Time to find out which one.

Sue Aikens

Failure is always an option.

Adam Savage

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