Site icon Rick Mahn



Thoughts and things I care to share

Veteran’s Day

With gratitude, thank you for your sacrifice and service to our great nation.

Veteran’s Day

With gratitude, thank you for your sacrifice and service to our great nation.

First Upgrade of the Year

Starting to make adds/changes to my 2017 Indian Roadmaster! Starting small with the Premium Tour Console. Found an absolute steal on the Indian Motorcycle website two weeks ago and couldn’t resist.

Here’s what it used to look like:

Here’s with the new console:

Here’s a couple more pics. One of the full view of the cockpit, and an up-close view of the new gauges.


Be strong.

Be of good courage.

God bless America.

Long live the republic.


Lessons cost money. Good one's cost lots.

Tony Beets

Hard times make strong men.

Strong men make good times.

Good times make weak men.

Weak men make hard times.


You're only worth what you're willing to work for.


You can watch things happen, you can make things happen, or you can wonder what happened.

Capt. Phil Harris

People say I have an issue with control... I say, as long as I have it, there is no issue.


Mistakes are just success training.


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


No man is a complete failure. He can always be used as a bad example.


You're either the mouse or the lion. Time to find out which one.

Sue Aikens

Failure is always an option.

Adam Savage
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