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Avvenu Plus – On line storage

I’ve blogged before about Avvenu, the on line storage provider.  Well, if you’re a current customer, you should be getting an email from them about an upgraded service offering available to you.  It is a pay-for service but upgrades your account to 5GB.

Avvenu is unique in that they allow you to access your home computer hard drive in addition to online storage.  I’ve been using them for some time and enjoy the ability to get to files on my home computer.

However, I use another service for my on line storage.  Currently I’m actually using AOL’s XDrive for my data.  Personally, I’m not fond of paying large sums each month for a service – it has to be a really good service, or something that I can’t live without.  I can live without access to my home computer, but not to my on line files.

If I can access my files on the ‘net for free, why would I pay $20 or $30 per month for the privilege?  If I have to pay, Amazon’s S3 service is looking more and more appealing to me.

I’ll take a closer look at this new Avvenu service later, but at first blush it doesn’t appeal to me.

Log into your Avvenu account for more details.

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