blogging Recently I’ve mentioned on Twitter about getting tired of the information overload.  What it really is, is that I’ve jammed almost 200 feeds in Google Reader and am having trouble getting value out of all the information.

To rectify this, I started by identifying my Top 10 bloggers.  Why?  Because I get the most value out of their writing.  I’m going “old-school” on them and actually visiting their blogs every day and reading their content in it’s “native environment” instead of the text in a feed reader.  The reason for this is because I believe that greater understanding and enjoyment of their work is gained on their site.  (btw – the position on the list is irrelevant, I just pasted them in as I decided on which ones I wanted.)

So here are my Top 10 Bloggers:

Earlier I had Twittered that I was going to remove their feeds from Google Reader while I do this – not sure about that after I think about it.  It’s easy to jump over them by hitting “j”, so I may just leave them there.

Also, I took a real hard look at some A-Listers and in the end decided to look at the value of the content.  I believe that these 10 11 blogs are interesting enough to spend time there, reading, interacting and enjoying the experience.

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