links for 2007-05-23

Business Life

What I find amazing after leaving corporate life is that there are actually other people out there in business.  While that is a ‘super doh!’ statement, I hadn’t really taken the time to notice other people and what they do for a living.  How many people actually work out of coffee shops, cafes and other public locations.  The construction workers, office workers, waiters, public safety, librarians, mechanics… of course the list is endless, but how much we all interact and depend on each other’s services and abilities.

The shear number of people who offer services, sell products, etc… just doesn’t seem to sink in when you’re in a 6’x8′ cube worrying about some other entities (i.e. big companies) problems.  While, I’ve been working on growing Avatar Consultants, I’ve been able to take a few deep breaths and look at what other people do.  It’s opened my eyes to the real world again, something that I’d been missing in corporate and I revel in my newfound freedoms.

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Busy Week

While I’m trying to get things moving on the consulting front, Amy and I have been talking about a lot of recreational opportunities.  We’ve got a busy week preparing for this coming weekend as we have a lot planed.  But also, we’re getting outfitted for the rest of the summer and into the next several years.

Didn’t think we would do as much as we have, but we’re now outfitted for canoeing and backpacking.  This is something that we’ve been trying to do more of for the last several years.  It has finally happened, and we can’t wait for every weekend, every available day that we’ll use to get out and do more outside.  Getting out of the corporate world has been a reawakening for me – I really am getting my life back, the important things are becoming clearer again.

Any way, we’ve got a lot of prep work to finish up today and tomorrow before we head out.  Packing, meal prep, and many others.  It really is one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in a long time – and I love it.

links for 2007-05-19

  • The rumors are true – here is a Dell Official with a short video introducing the Tablet PC. Though it will be in the corporate-focused Latitude line, details and a model name was not mentioned. More to be reveiled in the fall, which just so happens to b
    (tags: dell tablet-pc)
  • Looks like AMD isn’t out of the race yet (thank goodness), as it has a rival to Intel’s Centrino platform in the works. Puma, as its called, hits all the same mobile power saving points and features that Centrino is famous for including support for the u

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