Looking for feedback on The Mobile Lifestyle

So I’ve had this blog called The Mobile Lifestyle running for a year, and have really not kept it up to date at all.  I originally wanted this site to become a leading source for information on mobile technology & how it affects us day to day.

Guess what?  It never happened.  It was simply because I never committed the time and energy to developing it in that fashion.  Another fact of life is that there are people who are much more passionate and knowledgeable about such topics than I am.  Don’t get me wrong, I really, really, enjoy using and talking about mobile tech, and recommending solutions to people, but writing about it just didn’t interest me as much as I had thought it would.

So I have this dilemma – I have this site with a fairly good (really good?) domain name that could be made into something.  Do I look to sell it?  Do I hang on and try writing more there as I begin the next phase of my career as an IT consultant?  Do I shut it down and keep the domain name for awhile?

I’m just not sure – I hate to quit it, but am really starting to home in on my true passions, and it isn’t necessarily technology.

What do you think?

Busy April – Next Steps…

Hello there!  I’ve been negligent in my posting lately – obviously I’ve not posted since I talked about resigning from my potion at Michael Foods.  Some may be wondering how things have been going since last Thursday.  Well, they’ve been just fine.

The response from my managers and coworkers has been a positive one, though it always is slightly different than one usually expects.  Just goes to show that you don’t always know how people are going to react to things.

One big thing that has taken me by slight surprise is the amount of work there is in handing off responsibilities.  At Michael Foods, we have done a great job of documenting everything we do.  With that said, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in the transfer of knowledge, and backing out of projects that are already in progress.  Anyone who has resigned from a long-term position probably can relate to that.  Also, since the light at the end of the tunnel is visible, you get more motivated to get it done.

At any rate, I’ve run out of time to read my feeds, keep up on Twitter like I want to, and post my pondering’s on my blog.  That’ll change in the coming week or two, but for the past several days, I’ve been lax in all of these functions.

So I thought I’d also let you know what you can expect in the next few posts, I’ve got some thoughts swirling around personal improvement, and personal responsibility – specially to oneself and your career.  There may be one post, there may be a series of posts related together – just don’t know at this point as it depends on what I want to write at the time.

I’ve been working a lot on Avatar Consultants – on the physical side (office space, comms, etc…, I still have not updated the site with more information on services, support, contact info, and of course the usual theme elements that need to get done (Dave call me please! 🙂 ).  More later!

links for 2007-04-14

links for 2007-04-13

It is done…

Over the last several weeks and months I’ve alluded to a coming change in my career, and it is finally taking place.  After a lot of thought and deliberation, I have tendered my resignation at Michael Foods, Inc.  I am vacating the Sr. Technologies Analyst position at the end of April 2007 to pursue consulting, writing, and some technology training opportunities.

It’s been an educational and rewarding ride over the last 9 years there, with many, many learning’s that I’ll carry with me throughout my career.  I’ll post fully on this later as I get closer to the end of my tenure there – I have many thank-you’s to hand out, and I’m afraid that it’ll be hard to leave in the end.

For the very short term, I’m looking forward to the weekend with my family to celebrate our decision (Amy is 100% behind my decision) and relax.

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