Beautiful Spring Day in Minneapolis

We’re having a great spring day here in Minnesota. Could reach a high of 75 today! I highly recommend everyone get outside – even if you don’t have the chance, make one!

A Great Evening

You know, it shouldn’t surprise a person but I guess it did me.  As any busy family, we don’t spend enough time together, and when you do, you realize just how fun it really is.

Swinging - Outdoors Brianna and I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening yesterday just doing fun stuff.  We went to the park, baked some pastries and a pie, and just had time to talk.  She got to run around and have a picnic, then later help make dinner (stir fry, a favorite of her’s).

It was one of the most enjoyable afternoons I’ve had in years.  This is what we toil for, this is what family life used to be every day – not just a rare outtake of life.  When I take a step back and look at it, I can’t believe we’ve allowed other entities (work) to overtake simple life experiences.  It’s a shame, and something I vowed to myself today to change. Radically.

The time passes by too quickly to be taken up by stressful environments of which one can not change.

links for 2007-03-21

April Header Uploaded Early

I just couldn’t stand it any longer, winter is receding quickly and warm weather is flooding into Minnesota.  We’ve lost almost all our snow cover and, personally, I can’t wait for spring to come into full bloom.  So with that notion, I’ve updated the blog header with my selection for April a little early.  I hope to get a few good ones from my Connections Conference in Florida next month.

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