Changes afoot at The Blog Herald

So The Blog Herald has changed owners.  I’ve been watching the current bloggers say their goodbyes and new writers popping up to say hello for most of the week.

Will TBH be the same after all the changes?  Guess we’ll find out.

Ed Oswald reviews the Zune

Microsoft Zune Digital Music Player BetaNews has posted a review of the Zune, and its not very favorable of the device.  I’ll admit that I’ve been seeing a number of bland reviews of the device all over.  While the user interface is top-notch, the physical aspects of the device, size, and controller configuration leave much to be desired. 

Compared to the iPod and other devices such as the Creative Zen series, the device simply seems like a prototype of what the Zune could be.

I’d been thinking of getting the Zune as a gift for my wife for Christmas, but now I think that the Zen is a better option.  Since we have a subscription to URGE, I also don’t want to have to change music services.  Maybe the follow-on device will fix some of the shortcomings of this version of the Zune.

Via: BetaNews – Zune Has Too Many Issues to Compete

Missed a few days…

Sorry for that!  I got a little tied up at work and finishing the move, so I didn’t get a chance to blog for a few days.  I’m hoping to catch up a little this weekend.

James Kim

I’m saddened to hear the news of James Kim’s death.  While I didn’t know him, the outpouring of concern and hope around the blogosphere has been inspirational.  My condolences go out to his wife and children, who after enduring over a week in the cold, are now missing their husband and father.  CNET has a memoriam page dedicated to their Senior Editor that I recommend visiting if you have not heard the full story.

links for 2006-12-08

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