Changes afoot at The Blog Herald

So The Blog Herald has changed owners. I’ve been watching the current bloggers say their goodbyes and new writers popping up to say hello for most of the week.

I’ve been reading TBH for a good 6 months or so and have enjoyed the

Will TBH be the same after all the changes? Guess we’ll find out.

links for 2006-12-11

Mobile 2.0 – Gaining understanding at Read/Write Web

The Read/Write Web has a fantastic article covering what is increasingly called Mobile 2.0.  In this article by Rudy De Waele, they cover the essence of what Mobile 2.0 is.

With the proliferation of smart mobile devices and high-speed mobile data services, applications and services need to become simpler and more intuitive.  They also need to become standardized as Rudy talks about.

A real need to bring those sharp minds developing advanced feature sets on desktop software, should instead start looking at how to bring simplicity and elegance to web applications to solve the simple problems of of the moment.

Via: Read/Write Web – Understanding Mobile 2.0

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What is Palm doing now? – The Wireless Weblog

So is it that “confusing” about what Palm is doing with Garnet?  Yes they sold the operating system by spinning off the OS development arm as PalmSource.  Yes they’ve now licensed it back from Access, the Japanese company that purchased PalmSource in its entirety.

It seems to me that while Palm OS 5 (Garnet) is several years behind Windows Mobile or Symbian, the basic OS in the feature department, it still has great usefulness as a smart phone OS.  The biggest thing is that the Treo platform with Palm OS 5 simply works, its tried & true.  It also has a huge following and a very easy to use GUI.

Since the OS has been used for many versions of the Treo, the continual refinement of the user interface is where the product improvements will keep the OS fresh.

Via: The Wireless Weblog – What is Palm doing now?

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