For the lack of a better title

Ugh, its been a tough couple of weeks and getting around to blogging is actually a task right now. With the amount of work to do at my day job, its been too taxing to find something worth talking about.

That and I’ve allowed myself to get too wrapped up in CSI on Spike after work. Great show, but I haven’t taken the time to sit down and pound on the keyboard.

♫ I come from a land down-under… ♫

Yeah, I’ve got Men At Work playing again – helps me think (weird I know).  Now where are those Dire Straits CDs…

The hardest part of the last few weeks is the lack of concentration when I fire up the old blog, I’m just not able to focus.  Hmm, I do need to write a bit on bluetooth headsets – I’ve yet to get started on my quest yet.  Guess I’ve found something to start on for now.

Microsoft buys WinInternals

Wow – didn’t really think I’d see this, even though it does make sense.  Mark Russinovich and co-founder Bryce Cogswell are some smart fellas.  It looks like Microsoft will incorporate the WinInternals products, support, forums and blogs into their vast structure, though they would not commit to specifics at the moment.
Good luck to Mark, Bryce, and Microsoft!


Time for a new headset

I’m going to research a new bluetooth headset and will blog it over at The Mobile Lifestyle.  Some mini-reviews may get spun out of this little adventure, so check it out if you’d like.

More Mobile Posting

So, I’ve got the bluetooth keyboard and mouse out again, posting from a convenient bench out in the warm sun.

The usefullness of simply having mobile access at the drop of a hat is fantastic. I’m going to try and do more blogging away from my desk. Whether with my MDA setup or with my laptop, I believe there is more inspiration outside than inside.

More later!

Bloggers Block?

Sorry to everyone, I’ve been so busy at work that I’ve not had time to post much.  Actually, I’ve not really been able to write about much, and I don’t know why.

Most of the last two weeks when I’ve sat down and started a post, I change my mind about a line or two in – its been frustrating.  There is so much work on my plate during the day, that I simply haven’t found the interest to poke around all my favorite blogs and sites on the ‘net.

It sure is frustrating, it must be “bloggers blockthat many bloggers have talked about.

My problem at the moment seems to follow the pattern that everyone goes through, either work or life or something takes up more time and since we all need some “down time”, blogging is something that seems to get set aside for awhile.  It’s not like I don’t have anything to say, but I just am having trouble finding the right words.

Another thing that’s not helping right now is that I feel uninspired, I think because of my workload.  Well, that’s enough for now, its my daughter’s birthday this weekend, and we’ve got a lot of things to do.  Though I will be trying to get back to some writing – I do have a list of posts/articles/reviews, that I would like to eventually get to, so I do have some hope.


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