
Come visit me at my new permanent Blog on the net at RickMahn.com. I’ll problably not be updating this space regularly as I’ve consolidated all my blogging efforts into one site. You can see some of the latest post headlines below.


Cable to compete with Muni WiFi

An article over at The Wireless Report covers some new developments in the Cable vs. municiple wireless “battle”. There are some efforts being pursued by CableLabs (an industry trade group) where they investigate competing in the wireless space.

This is a good thing – the cable industry is taking the correct approach in trying to compete with the new competition rather than continue to lobby against something that is a direct threat to their business model. New competition should always be viewed as a challenge to improve, to become better than before rather than the knee-jerk reaction of protect our market share at all costs kind of mentality.

I encourage the cable industry to keep trying to think further ahead, as well as their competion – it will make the resulting products and services that much more useful and valuable to us consumers.

Via: The Wireless Report

Can you or I be the next free VoIP Provider?

This post over on Om Malik’s blog has me thinking of how simple it has become to start a different spin on practically anything.  Take VoIP for example, with open source PBXs like Asterisk anyone could start a new “skype” like service focusing on whatever aspect that they believe to be important to their niche market.

Just thinking of that one possiblility is intriguing in the possibilities of having.  For example, a private VoIP system for your social organization like a club, or community.  Something that would cater to the unique needs of your group’s requirements.

Another aspect of the open source movement that is now possible, is the ability for anyone to take on the roll of an entrepreneur, building a business using common, high-quality open-source components.  The focus of a given business can now be on the services, support, and price instead of the technology underneath.

I have to admit that I’m a big Microsoft fan in most everything that they do, but Om’s article really has gotten me thinking this afternoon.  It has opened my eyes to the real possiblilities out there, along with the many high-quality “web 2.0” services that have cropped up lately.  From free hosting at Microsoft’s Office Live, to GMail, to free Blogs & Wiki’s, the new business models can be built on standardized blocks and the main thrust of one’s energies can be targeted on your market or audience rather than the parts needed to run the business.

Of course it makes it hard on people like me – I’m a technologist, I’m in the industry for the technology, it is very hard to come up with something new or improved that people will want, or that someone else can do much better.

Still having the opportunities and tools available is a huge improvement over the previous entry-price to startups.

Rough Going…

Sorry for the past 12 hours here – I was finalizing some parts of the site that made RickMahn.com a little messed up. Should all be corrected now – along with the RSS feed through FeedBurner as well. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank-you for your patience.

T-Mobile Denies Customer Upgrade…


Sensational – yes, but you have to admit the current practice of making new phones/devices available to “new” customers and not to loyal existing customers is one sure way of making them unhappy.

This is my case – I’ve been waiting for T-Mobile USA to carry Windows Mobile Pocket PC Phone devices for over 4 years.  I’ve poked, prodded, emailed, called, suggested, etc… and now that the MDA is “available” through T-Mobile – I get the standard run-around that its not available to current customers “right now”.

However, if I want to start a new line of service I can get the phone.  Will someone explain the logic to me?  This is one of the few times Tmo has pissed me off.  Customer service is good, and so are the pricing plans, but to not make a new phone available to your current loyal customers is simply unacceptable.

Well Tmo, Verizon is looking better – even if it costs more in data services, at least I can get the PPC 6700 right off the bat, or the Treo 700w.  All it takes to make me happy is to sell me the phone that is on the web site for the price you are asking for it, without making me start a new line of service – is that so hard?


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