So I’ve had this blog called The Mobile Lifestyle running for a year, and have really not kept it up to date at all.  I originally wanted this site to become a leading source for information on mobile technology & how it affects us day to day.

Guess what?  It never happened.  It was simply because I never committed the time and energy to developing it in that fashion.  Another fact of life is that there are people who are much more passionate and knowledgeable about such topics than I am.  Don’t get me wrong, I really, really, enjoy using and talking about mobile tech, and recommending solutions to people, but writing about it just didn’t interest me as much as I had thought it would.

So I have this dilemma – I have this site with a fairly good (really good?) domain name that could be made into something.  Do I look to sell it?  Do I hang on and try writing more there as I begin the next phase of my career as an IT consultant?  Do I shut it down and keep the domain name for awhile?

I’m just not sure – I hate to quit it, but am really starting to home in on my true passions, and it isn’t necessarily technology.

What do you think?

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