RSS ATOM Feed Easton Ellsworth has discovered and converted to Google Reader as his main feed reader and has followed a post from Web Worker Daily and asks How do you read RSS feeds? So, ok I’ve got my own method or pattern for reading my feeds in Google Reader – which is the only feed reader as far as I’m concerned.

So, here it goes:

  • Morning: Start with the All Items “river of news” style view going from top to bottom using my mouse scroll wheel, marking posts started (s), and shared (shift-s).
  • Daytime: Keep following the All Items view, refreshing a few times to see what’s current.
  • Evening: Focus on reading A-List feeds, and then technical feeds, then mobile device related feeds.

Overall, I really have become enamored of the river of news view that Dave Winer pioneered (thanks Dave!). Thanks for the question Easton!

As to why I read feeds, it simply is multitudes faster than individual sites.  It’s also much more up to date than traditional media, which has caused me to cancel or let expire all my magazine subscriptions.  They just can’t compare to the information shared by bloggers, or published to the news feeds.

Via: BusinessBlogWireHow Do You Read Web Feeds? My RSS Reading Habits

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