links for 2006-12-30

Spam Overload in December

So I’ve gotten spammed royally in December.  The last two days alone I’ve gotten 863 spam comments.

So far this month the problem has been much worse than in past months.  Total, I’m now over 12.5K spam messages since last February, with the bulk of them in the last 90 days.

By the way, sorry for the lack of posts the last few days, I’m off on vacation for another few days and will be working to get caught up again soon.


Down with a cold

Man, I’ve not had a cold for quite some time.  I’m just getting over a doozie that’s had me knocked out for the last two days.  What a way to spend the first few days of Christmas vacation, huh?

But my plans for the next two weeks are the same, to do some work on the layout of the blog – one that is a bit easier to read, with less clutter.  So I’ve been sidelined for a few days, but I’m getting back on track, and once we’re through Christmas, we’ll be able to get some work done around here.

Thanks for stopping by, and Merry Christmas!

links for 2006-12-20

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